
Integrate Agile and Kanban into your projects

Integrate Agile and Kanban into your projects. Be agile and reliable by integrating the LYNX TameFlow approach into your projects. Bring Agile CCPM to life with Lynx TameFlow.

Enable your teams to organize, visualize and optimize their workflows

Organize your workflows

Integrate Kanban or create your own workflows in for projects. Create User-Stories, Tickets, Issues, Subtasks or any other type of “Card”.  The perfect solution for (virtual) project or services teams, spread across (international) locations.

Vizualize your workflows

See your progress by moving cards over the board. Get an overview as a team what task to work on first. LYNX TameFlow will show what task has the highest priority to work on.

Optimize your workflows

Organize your Work-in-process by using the WIP tokens, preventing multitasking. Manage your workload.