Meet Our Partners: Thomas Schwartz


In the ever-evolving landscape of project management, methodologies like Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) and Theory of Constraints (TOC) have emerged as powerful tools to streamline operations and enhance project outcomes.

To delve into the practicalities and experiences of incorporating these methodologies, we had the opportunity to interview Thomas Schwartz, from s3 Schwartz & Partner

A Professional Journey of Discovery and Implementation

Thomas Schwartz brings a wealth of experience as a PM Consultant. Having navigated the intricacies of the field, he shares his journey into the world of CCPM and TOC. Thomas has been working with CCPM and TOC for the past 8 years, including spearheading an implementation at Endress & Hauser. 

Adopting CCPM and TOC isn’t without its challenges. Thomas highlights that one of the common hurdles is “driving the dates” and relentlessly chasing deadlines. To overcome this, Thomas employs a combination of methodologies, expertly weaving in elements of AGILE to enhance adaptability and response to change.

Unveiling Results and Embracing Change

Results and benefits vary across clients, but Thomas notes that those who adhere to guidelines usually achieve favorable outcomes. However, he underscores that these methodologies often require ongoing management attention for sustainable success. 

In the landscape of methodologies, CCPM and TOC stand out for their structured approach. However, Thomas acknowledges that some perceive them as “old-fashioned.” To counter this perception, he emphasizes the importance of the need for change resonating within the working community.

Parting Thoughts

In parting, Thomas Schwartz shares his admiration for LYNX, a powerful tool that has revolutionized their implementation of CCPM. “We wouldn’t have been able to implement CCPM without it,” he affirms, “I love it!”

Thomas’s journey is a testament to the transformative potential of CCPM and TOC, and his insights shed light on the practicalities of their implementation. As organizations strive for project excellence, the experiences of seasoned professionals like Thomas provide invaluable guidance and inspiration.

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